Instructions: MATSOL E-Lists
- Subscribe to an E-List
- Read & post messages online
- Unsubscribe from an E-List
1. Subscribe to an Elist
Note: E-List subscriptions use the "Primary" email address listed in your MATSOL Member Record.
- Log on to the MATSOL website
- Click on "Update Your Profile" in the Quick Links.
- Go to the “My Features” tab and select “E-Lists."

- Toggle the "Subscribed" button to ON to subscribe to the list.
- If you wish to read messages online and NOT receive them by email, toggle the "Email Delivery" button to OFF.

2. Read & Post Messages Online
- In the E-Lists screen (above), click on the E-List name.
- From this screen, you can read, search and post messages.

3. Unsubscribe from an E-List.
- From the E-Lists screen (above), toggle the "Subscribed" button to OFF.