MATSOLworks Job Board

MATSOLworks is a service linking MATSOL members seeking jobs in the field of ESOL and Bilingual Education with programs and employers in Adult Education, Higher Education, Workplace Education and the K-12 Sector. 

MATSOL members receive a weekly email with current job listings and can access to an online job board.

Job Seekers

MATSOL provides MATSOLworks job postings to members at no charge as a membership benefit.

MATSOL does not screen the working conditions of programs that post positions on MATSOLworks. It is recommended that you thoroughly research any program to which you apply. MATSOL does not guarantee any specific number of listings per week, as our list is dependent on employment opportunities and on employers' use of this service. 


Submit a Job Listing

This service is free of charge for employers. Postings are sent weekly to our over 1,800 members (EL/ESL/ESOL/TESOL educators) and posted in an online job board in the members-only area of the website.

  • Submit the job listing via this online form. Required information:
    • Job Title (10 words max)
    • Employer
    • Job Description
    • Application link
    • Post End Date 
    • Submitter name and contact information
    • Optional: Note for MATSOL about the posting.
  • Job listings are reviewed weekly. An email update will be sent when when the job is approved and posted to the site. 
MATSOL reserves the right to reject job postings that do not meet our posting standards.