MATSOL Currents

MATSOL's official newsletter, published twice a year.

Publications Committee

Johanna Tigert & Méritès Abélard, Editors.
Golnar Fotouhi, Rachel Kramer Theodorou, Nasiba Norova, Rachel Tianxuan Wang


Submit to MATSOL Currents

There’s a lot going on in the world of TESOL and EL education, and we’d like all of it to be reflected in Currents! We welcome reviews of books and materials, reports on meetings and events, personal experience accounts, and articles on everything of interest to MATSOL members: adult education, PreK-12 education, bilingual and dual-language programs, ESL in higher education, educator-preparation programs,  Intensive English Programs, and private language schools.


MATSOL Currents Fall 2023/Winter 2024

Vol. 46, No. 2

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  • President’s Message


  • Reports from MATSOL’s Special Interest Groups


  • My Fulbright-García Robles Story by MELANIE GONZÁLEZ
  • Resilience and Adaptability: Mobile Education in Conflict-Affected Myanmar by LUGYI NO
  • Towards Critical Dialogue with Refugee-Background Students by IULIIA FAKHRUTDINOVA
  • A Translanguaging Approach to Teaching and Learning by LAURA HAMMAN-ORTIZ & KELLY COONEY


  • A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers REVIEWED BY EILEEN FELDMAN

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MATSOL Currents Summer 2023

Vol. 46, No. 1

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  • President’s Message
  • The 2023 MATSOL Conference


  • Reports from MATSOL’s Special Interest Groups


  • MATSOL 2023 Keynote Address by SHENGXIAO SOLE YU
  • Reframing K-12 students through asset-based collaboration around assessment practices with prospective teachers by MARK D. MCCARTHY & SARA SCRIBNER


  • The translanguaging classroom: leveraging student bilingualism for learning by Ofelia García, Susana Ibarra Johnson, and Kate Seltzer. REVIEWED BY MARICA VIGLIETTA
  • Microsoft Translator. REVIEWED BY RALPH SAINT-LOUIS

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