WIDA Needs your Input!
Category: K-12
In 2019, WIDA will introduce a standards-based instructional framework for the English Language Development Standards. Throughout 2018-2021, educators across the consortium will be invited to engage in a three-year implementation process.
- Who: All stakeholders involved in language learner education.
- What: Provide input on the draft WIDA Instructional Framework (see survey link below).
- When: March 22 – April 20, 2018
- Why: To make sure this work meets your needs and those of your students!
Suggested action: Review the discipline and grade-level draft that is most closely tied to your experience (e.g., Grade 1 Social Studies). You only need to review one and it’s better to review one closely than glance at many of them!
Link to review & submit feedback: https://www.wida.us/standards/eld.aspx#2019