Advocacy Alert: An Act Relative to Enhancing English Opportunities for all Students in the Commonwealth H479 (Sanchez) / S225 (DiDomenico)
1. Enables English language learners and their parents to choose from multiple language instruction educational programs while maintaining students’ opportunities for academic success,
2. Strengthens and ensures proper qualifications for teachers working in the different models of language instruction educational programs, and
3. Encourages parent and student involvement to facilitate success on an individual basis.
The Mass Joint Committee on Education has put an extension order on this bill to improve English language learning in MA. This grants them an additional month (until April 17th) to report out the bill favorably to the legislature for passage. This would be a monumental feat of success for the bill and would signal a very promising future.
MATSOL and the advocacy coalition working on to pass bill is organizing a campaign to contact members of the Education Committee -- We need every MATSOL member to contact legislators and urge them to support the bill!
Click for directions to CALL, EMAIL and TWEET members of the Joint Committee on Education.