The MATSOL Nominations Committee presents the following slate for election to the MATSOL Board of Directors.
The election will take place at the MATSOL Annual Meeting on May 31, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Framingham Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center. All members are encouraged to attend!
The Annual Meeting will be followed by a free screening of the movie I Learn America, by Friday keynote Jean-Michel Dissard.
2017 Nominations Slate for the MATSOL Board of Directors
- Christine Leider, Ph.D - Clinical Assistant Professor, Language Education: Boston University
- Kevin O' Connor, Ph.D - Director, Framingham Adult ESL Plus
- Sheila Caldwell, MA - ELL Coordinator, Randolph Public Schools
- Yuiko Shimazu, MA - ELL Teacher, Lexington Public Schools
- Mary Hughes, Ph.D - Lecturer, School of Education, Boston University
- Victoria Ekk, Ph.D - Principal, Early Learning Center for North Attleboro Public Schools
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