
Show your commitment to the value of the MATSOL and help to shape its future!
MATSOL seeks competent, energetic, and committed members of MATSOL to take a leadership role, work on behalf of the organization, and represent MATSOL members and stakeholders. Candidate may self-nominate or be nominated by someone else.
Deadline: The nomination period has ended.
Basic Qualifications
Candidates for the Board of Directors must demonstrate:
- Support for MATSOL’s mission, values, and vision.
- Willingness to take an active leadership role in MATSOL and make a commitment for your board term.
- MATSOL membership in good standing for at least one year prior to nomination, with previous participation or leadership in MATSOL activities and initiatives (conference, member meetings, advocacy, publications, etc.).
- Previous experience on a non-profit board (helpful but not required).
Board Member Commitment
MATSOL’s Board members are expected to:
- Serve a three-year term from June 2018 to May 2021.
- Take an active role in the organization
- Attend all Board of Directors meetings (approximately 1 per month), the Board annual retreat, the MATSOL conference, and occasional special meetings, at locations in the Greater Boston area.
- Serve on at least one standing committee (Finance, Governance, Program, or External Relations Committees), and attend meetings and complete tasks related to the work of the committee.
- Complete organizational tasks and committee work outside Board meetings.
The MATSOL Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing MATSOL’s operations:
- Membership activities, programs and the annual conference;
- Advocacy initiatives and responses;
- Membership development;
- TESOL affiliate responsibilities;
- Financial and legal obligations as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
How to Submit a Nomination
- Download Call for Nominations
- Dowload Nominations Statement (to be completed by nominee)
- Complete the online Nominations Form (to be completed by nominee with Nomination Statement & resume): Click here for online form
Be prepared to supply the folowing information with your nomination:
- List any involvement with MATSOL (years of membership, Special Interest Group or Committee participation, conference or institute attendance, conference presentation, advocacy, etc.).
- List any involvement with TESOL or another TESOL affiliate.
- List any experience with advocacy (at the local, state or federal level) on behalf of ELLs.
- Have you ever served on a non-profit Board of Directors? If yes, please name organization and describe your duties.
Statement of Interest
- Explain why you want to become a MATSOL Board member and how you can contribute to the leadership of MATSOL (approx. 250 words – for publication in the election materials).
Please review to learn more about MATSOL and the responsibilities of serving on the Board:
- MATSOL website: Information on current MATSOL events and member groups: www.matsol.org
- Current Board of Directors: www.matsol.org/people
- MATSOL Mission & Governance: www.matsol.org/mission
- Massachusetts Attorney General’s Guide for Board Members of Charitable Organizations. Outlines the duties and legal responsibilities of serving on a non-profit board: www.mass.gov/ago/docs/nonprofit/guide-for-board-members.pdf
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